داستان آبیدیک

reference point


1 عمومی:: نقطۀ مرجع

A significant reduction of these points can be achieved by using homo- thetic transformation, the rule of parallel resemblance, com- bined with complex statistical inferences, to define so-called reference points, which are minimally required to accurately determine the exact shapes of the bones. One of the most complicated models is the spine, whose reference points and theoretical 3D model were created by measuring 1,628 individual vertebrae and recon- structing 96 individual spines in 3D [7, 8]. Visual information gained from simultaneously recorded AP and LAT X-ray images also makes it possible to identify reference points (for example, the geometric centre of the Some reference points can be recognised in both AP and LAT X-ray images (so- called stereo-corespondents) and match specific anatomical references. Other reference points could be linked to a single anatomical reference but are only visible in one plane image and not in the other, therefore their precise localisation depends on the spatial orientation of the object.

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